Discarnate Arcane Auction

An auction hosted by Discarnate at

Sojourn in the Mist

Ward 16, Plot 2, Mateus
Friday, February 18, 2021 • 8pm EST

The items are more for the sake of curiosity than outright power. Those of wealth and means with an eye for the arcane or collectibles could easily have received an invitation, and attendees are welcome to participate in the auction or expand their network in this refined yet underworld-themed atmosphere.

The auction is purely IC and is intended as flavor for network building. Weapons will not be checked at the door; however, the building's security will react decisively and ruthlessly if the safety or comfort of the attendees is threatened. We reserve the right to dictate what happens to characters who do not ICly respond to security in an immersive, productive manner.

• • •

For the auction, we use IC items and IC money—no actual gil will be changing hands. Our event is intended to be fun, provide flavor roleplay, and build connections.

Please roleplay an appropriate amount of resources for your character, with 1 US dollar roughly equating to 100 gil. For comparison, we observe drinks costing from 500 to 1,000 gil, 15,000 gil as the monthly income of an average craftsperson, and 5,000,000 gil as the price of a luxury apartment.

May the shadows bring fortune and power to you.

Discarnate Arcane Auction

Previously on the block...

On the block...

June 3, 2021

previously auctioned

May 6, 2021

Sold — 200,000

An ancient-looking clay pot seems worn but otherwise unbroken, possessing an impossibly intricate design of interwoven vines along the top and alternating ovals and triangles along the sides halfway down the pot. Written in small lettering beneath the vines are incantations from a strange language.

If a spore or seed from a seedkin is grown in the pot along with a drop of blood from the gardener, it will cause it to grow into its matured form much more quickly than usual and, more
importantly, refrain from attacking any person who provided a drop of blood who was involved in tending the plant. This protection only extends to those involved in its cultivation who add a drop of blood into the soil. The plant, once it outgrows the pot, will move to the nearest area where it can find
nourishment from the earth and surrounding locale. In the case of aggressive seedkin such as Morbol, it will attack anything unprotected from the enchantments of the pot.

History: The enchanted pot was purchased from Doctor Sylara Grey, a Gridanian conjurer who left the Conjurer’s Guild under threat of theft after over a decade of service as a Hearer and academic specializing in flora and alchemy. Her current whereabouts are unknown, but items found on the black market are often attributed to her theft in Gridania. The incantations on the pot are written in an ancient Gelmorran dialect predating Gridania.

Aetheric Aura: The pot has a strong earth element attunement that is astrally polarized along with a weaker water element attunement.

A ragged doll coarsely stitched together with a single moonstone eye. The doll shows signs of charring and holes from hundreds of previous punctures, its smiling mouth stitched shut. Coarse strands hang from its arms and legs.

If the blood of a living being is applied to the doll, it will attune the doll to that being. Anything done to the doll can be felt by the being if the being remains within sight of the doll. If the doll is immersed in water, the being will be unable to breathe. If it is immersed in ice, the being will feel the cold. It is unknown if the doll can bring about the death of the attuned being.

History: Lady Kano claims this item was bought from a visiting Gridanian merchant headed to Doma via Limsa Lominsa.

Aetheric Aura: The aura holds a moderate weave of fire, water, and thunder—all being the most active elemental attunements. Any academic who has studied animated items might know that this dreaded item was one described in a tome called the Puppeteer’s Treatise, stolen from the Conjurer’s Guild by Doctor Sylara Grey.

Sold — 750,000

Sold — 30,000

The last item is a bit different in that it is the guaranteed location of a fully intact golem of the Third Age—a powerful Kuribu, which resemble angels and served as the battlefield commanders of Amdapor’s animated defenders in their war against Mhach’s voidsent. The golem is missing its umbral heart, but its enchantments and body are intact, along with its attached sword and shield.

Properties: The golem can theoretically be brought under the control of a white mage. It’s possible that a conjurer could replicate the magic needed to attune the golem to its control, or that a control rod could be attuned to the golem before reactivating it. It should be noted that Kuribu are incredibly rare and dangerous.

History: Lady Kano’s people discovered the golem a month ago but lack the need or expertise to reanimate it. They could, however, assist with the schematics for an umbral heart, but the amount of umbral energy needed to imbue such a heart would be enormous.

previously auctioned

March 18, 2021

Sold — 975,000

This book is bound in the black hide of an unknown creature, the texture rough. The corners are shod in brass along with two book locks. The title is “The Twilight Tome: An Overview of the Effects of Circles and Symbols when Summoning from the Void.” The pages are not that aged, seeming to be crisp, the writing neat, elegant, and yet spidery.

The book describes the efficacy of various summoning circles when summoning voidsent including the protections afforded by various components in the ink or inlay and the myriad symbols. It also includes recommended circle construction for various types of voidsent, primarily in the middle tiers.

History: The book is a painstaking imitation of the original, which is held by the Lady Spider. The hide is that of a rarer dark Peiste found near the Ruby Sea in a secluded valley.

Aetheric Aura: The book itself is not magical, though it holds very faint residual, unaspected magic that is astrally polarized.

This necklace consists of intricately connected copper shapes held by a velvet band. On the front is a pricy red ruby that gleams with an inner light, set in copper engraved with a starburst pattern.

The aether-infused ruby has a voidsent, most likely a succubus, trapped within. It can communicate with the wearer as it gains familiarity with them over time, exercising its disdain by making the necklace feel frigid with cold. The wearer gains improved magical prowess in terms of controlling larger amounts of aether, and this effect grows with each enemy they kill while wearing the necklace, with the soul and aether of the vanquished siphoned into the jewel. Once the trapped
voidsent gains enough aether from such slayings, it can, in theory, break free of its prison, destroying the necklace in the process. It is not known how much aether it would need to escape its prison.

History: The necklace was reportedly once housed in the famed Swallow’s Compass, home of Ganen, the first King of Doma. In the aftermath of the Garlean invasion, several artifacts such as this one went missing with the intent of safekeeping them from the Garleans, but some found their way into the black market. Strangely enough, this was one of the infamous artifacts informally referred to as the “Forbidden Four,” which were heavily warded in the Swallow’s Compass; these items had been thought to have been left behind in the wake of the Garlean advance because no one was thought to be able to breach the eldritch wards.

Aetheric Aura: The necklace holds a moderate earth attunement, and the ruby holds an extremely strong mix of fire, air, and unaspected magic, all of which is astrally charged to dangerous levels.

Sold — 1,500,000

withdrawn from sale

An archway that—when channeled with water-attuned aether, begins to glow and then reveals a portal to the corridor of an underwater ruin. Glowing runes along the top proclaim in an ancient Nymian dialect the following: “If thou wouldst enter these depths, the gift of endless breath is thine whilst there, but salvation from the price laid upon this lost temple is upon thine shoulders alone.” Inside the portal is a ruined corridor with rubble and seaweed, with wisps of eerie light from breaks in the stonework.

The portal grants passage to and from the ruins of a mysterious underground temple. It seems to allow the ability to breathe air, perhaps creating a bubble around those who enter.

History: What we know of the portal is derived from notes held by the Arcanist’s Guild of a field academic named Atokhan, who hailed from the Near East and studied Nymian ruins and artifacts forty years ago. His expedition discovered a cave system in northern La Noscea and a portal within. The purpose of the portal was not known, but Atokhan found a way to reactivate it, entering it and emerging hours later from what he claimed was a sunken temple to Nymeia, as well as possessing a barnacle-encrusted crystalline crown. He was discovered missing the next evening along with the crown, his bed damp with sea water. Another member from his expedition entered the portal and emerged with a crown of identical appearance. He disappeared the following evening while staying at an inland hostelry, a puddle of sea water found in his room. The rest of the expedition disbanded, leaving the cave for the
Sahagin to eventually take. Discarnate obtained the portal from a fence associated with the Bloody Executioners, and as such, expects the buyer to remain discreet about their purchase, given political sensitivities.

Aetheric Aura: The portal is imbued with dangerously potent water-aspected aether, as well as moderate amounts or air-aspected aether. The runes are enchanted with faint, unaspected aether.

previously auctioned

March 4, 2021

Sold — 13,020

This necklace seems forged with crude tools, possessing rudimentary bronze leaves connected to a sinew chain with carved bone beads and a pendant that houses a milky violet stone, which begins to take on a vivid amethyst luminescence when first donned.

When the necklace is worn, the wearer experiences a tightness to their chest, dizziness, and weakness for several minutes as the necklace drains some of their vitality into the amethyst, which glows for several minutes. When the wearer is grievously wounded, the stone will glow again but fades as vitality is bestowed upon the wearer in order for them to survive their wound.

History: The necklace was purchased from Lord Andran Tremblay, an Ishgardian explorer who passed away last year, his estate being auctioned to pay off his many outstanding debts. According to his journal, he obtained this item from unspecified savages in Meracydia, claiming it was worn by a shaman.

Aetheric Aura: The umbrally polarized necklace has a strong unaspected aura that is faintly connected to the Lifestream.

This pewter ring was once plated in silver that is now worn and evident only in the many fine etchings, with encircling talons clutching at a crown-cut ruby in the semblance of a great red eye, or perhaps a monstrous heart.

The ring allows the thoughts of ghosts, restless spirits and other undead to be heard when nearby but also grants invisibly to undead.

History: The ring was bought from an Ala Mhigan mercenary in Ul’dah who had looted it from a slain Amalj'aa shaman. He had told the shop owner that the ring was magical but would explain nothing further, and it seemed as if the shopkeeper knew more but wouldn’t speak of it to risk scaring the buyer.

Discarnate research found a diary with a drawing and description of a ring of this exact design. It was crafted by an enchanter from Belah'dia named Tilala Tila who intended it to command undead, but instead, it could hear their thoughts or resonating anguish but rendered the wearer somehow invisible to them, as if they thought the wearer to be nonexistent or harmless.

Aetheric Aura: The aura is astrally attuned earth and water. Its enchantments have an intricate aetheric nature that seems entwined with the Lifestream in some manner.

Sold — 500,000

Sold — 105,000

This matching choker and bracelet seem sleek and refined in design, both being of a strangely preserved gold-plated alloy with faintly turquoise-glowing geometric designs that would be immediately recognized as Allagan to scholars. Both have a cleverly hidden catch to open them for donning upon one’s neck and wrist.

The wearer of the bracelet can focus upon it to siphon vitality from the wearer of the choker, gaining health and energy as it is drained from the choker wearer. This effect cannot be used to kill the wearer of the choker, since it siphons only what is needed to restore the wearer of the bracelet to full vitality.

History: Lady Kano has had these items in her possession for some time, having gained them from a fallen rival’s collection in Hingashi and witnessing their properties firsthand. Though the design and nature are obviously Allagan, it’s just as likely that they were mimicked by a Mhachi archmage who used them with a voidsent slave, given residual aetheric readings on the chocker versus the bracelet. Of course, the Allagan were also known to study voidsent.

Aetheric Aura: The items hold strong, unaspected aetheric auras that are woven so tightly as to be very difficult to read, but it’s obvious that the two items are connected. The auras match those used in aetherochemistry. The choker holds a very, very faint astral polarity in line with the void.

previously auctioned

February 4, 2021

Sold — 25,000

This gold coin has worn edges and engravings of the heads of the dragon Bahamut on one side and Tiamat on the other.

Once per day, flipping the coin seems to invoke what many would call luck but in reality is a strange twist of aether to assist with either one’s feats of strength and speed (Bahamut) or feats of intelligence and magic (Tiamat) for a short time that seems variable, being very difficult to test and measure.

History: The ring is a perplexing anomaly. Meracydia has not been known to have its own native coin currencies, and cultures outside of that region should have little reason to pay such homage to the two dragons of the First Brood. Discarnate obtained the coin from a La Noscean fence who had bought it
from a corrupt Ishgardian temple knight. Caution is advised in allowing the coin to be seen in the Holy See because it could have been stolen from there.

Aetheric Aura: The aura is composed of a curiously complex series of all six elements, the likes of which haven’t been seen in this Age.

This ring is shaped and engraved to resemble an eagle with one wing furled around as the band. It is set with a brilliant sapphire stone, and a smaller blue spinel chip for the eagle’s eye. The band is made of purest silver, and even without magical properties, the ring would be worth a small fortune.

The ring can do each of the following once per day. It can be used to project a near fatal shock to someone you touch with the hand wearing the ring. It is believed this was designed as a form of self-defense. It can also cause the person to become lighter than air and levitate for 30 seconds.

History: The ring was purchased from Lord Andran Tremblay, an Ishgardian explorer who passed away last year, his estate being auctioned to pay off his many outstanding debts. According to his journal, he traded a box of matches for the ring from a remote vath trader in Dravania. Lord Tremblay speculated that the ring came from the ruins of a tomb from the Fifth Age.

Aetheric Aura: The ring has strong wind and thunder auras.

Sold — 92,000

Sold — 450,000

The ring seems wholly made of a strange, unidentified blue crystal that is white along the thinner edges. It resembles a watery wave carved into a band with the crest of the wave on the top of the ring. It is cool to the skin when worn and can also slowly change shape over time. This is so gradual that it’s often not noticed unless one diagrams it and then compares the earlier diagram to the ring.

The ring allows the wearer to breathe underwater but comes at a price. It seems to ‘recharge’ by simulating the sensation of drowning to the wearer, with each eternal minute of this sensation providing an hour of water breathing. The hellish drowning is experienced by rotating the ring to where the crest is worn under the finger rather than over. The wearer experiencing these sensations does not have to be the same person, so long as the price is met by a living wearer.

History: This ring, both a boon and a curse, well known in its passage through time in Vylbrand to the point that many sailors have heard of it but thought it myth. The price it enacts is referred to as Leviathan’s Toll,” and sailors often proclaim that they have no business being able to breathe where they’re not welcome. By luck, Discarnate was offered the chance to buy the ring from a pirate captain named Bloody Skarnwyb, who aligns with the Bloody Executioners. She was in sore need of the gil and was all too aware of the ring’s infamy in setting her own price.

Aetheric Aura: The ring exudes a very strong water aura and is astrally attuned.


January 14, 2021

Sold — 100,000

The creepy doll was made with an obvious intention to shock others, with the pale porcelain face possessing a haunted, monstrous expression, the eyes far too alive, too seeing. The girl has pigtails with tattered ribbons and dress on her small body.

The doll is a construct made in a similar manner to carbuncles or golems, possessing a heart made of obsidian painstakingly inscribed in runes that only lacks aether channeled within it to give the doll reborn life and servitude to its creator, or in their absence, the one who rejuvenates it.

History: Doll familiars are references in tales ranging from Dalmasca to Coerthas and Old Sharlayan. This one was purchased from an Ul’dahn merchant who had, in turn, purchased it from a member of a Thanalan miqo’te tribe that had acquired it in a locked chest while ‘passing by’ the ruins of a noble estate in the desert. Study by the Sojourn’s archivist revealed the existence of its arcane heart, lacking only aether to reanimate it.

Aetheric Aura: The aura is very weak but composed of remnants of unaspected aether linked to animation in a similar vein to that practiced by arcanima.

A shadowbox contains a mix of old bones, many still containing dried blood on them, but displayed in a manner as to showcase their variety. They are of a random enough array of origins to make many seem exotic and nearly fake. Intermixed with them are random pieces of glass, metal parts such as a ring and a rivet, and even some smoothed polished stones.

These serve as divination bones typically used by shaman of the beast tribes to divine the future. These particular bones will also drift toward the person within 5 yalms who bears the most malice toward the person throwing the bones.

History: These bones were bought from a bounty hunter who had slain and looted a specific Amalj'aa target for undisclosed reasons. The bounty hunter sold them to the same shopkeeper in Ul’dah who sold the creepy doll to the Sojourn.

Aetheric Aura: The bones possess a moderate unaspected aetheric aura related to divination. For someone practiced in the subtle layers of auras, it would most resemble geomancy.

Sold — 140,000

Sold — 275,000

An old, tarnished copper and brass music box with intricate but lightly corroded gears and coils seen when opened. There is a picture of a dark-haired girl in a white dress dancing, the colors faded with time.

This music box is reported to play a haunting tune heard only by the person who opens it. Those not strong of will cannot be rid of the music after they’re heard the entire tune, its notes interrupting everything they do, even their sleep. There have been reports of the listener seeing horrifying images of a girl in various positions on a myriad of floors, her freshly spilled blood vividly seen on her white dress. The result is almost always suicide.

History: This cursed item was relatively easy to track because of the specific nature of its effects on its victims over the passage of time. A Gridanian toymaker, Ricaro, was legendary in his crafts, employing aether from crystals to imbue his wondrous toys. Upon the death of his daughter, so great was his grief, that he reportedly fell to the blackest thoughts and wanted all others to experience his grief and utter madness and despair. The cursed music box, named after his late daughter, was the result.

Aetheric Aura: The music box exudes a strong aetheric aura consisting primarily of wind and water, also possessing an astral polarity so strong, it seems tinged with the void.

Previously Auctioned

December 17, 2020

Sold — 50,000

This small box, perhaps sized to hold a ring, is made of wood and lacquered in black and silver. The sides hold precise geometric shapes while the top has elegant scrollwork also staying true to a symmetric pattern. It has black padding inside that is made of an unknown, velvet-like substance.

The box will snap closed of its own accord. Sometimes there will be a hesitation, while other times it will be immediate.

History: The item was purchased from Lady Jalia Vordt and Master Hungrende Afgrunden. Lady Kano’s limited studies hold a few speculations to its purpose. First is that it could be a message box linked to another. Such items were used in Amdapor in the Fifth Astral Era and referred to as “Portal Boxes.” They were used to pass orders and intelligence, or perhaps even small vials from the city to the frontlines. The patterns on the box are very suggestive of Amdapori design. The problem is that if the box is indeed a “Portal Box,” the item placed inside won’t transport until the matched Portal Box is opened. It might be possible to leave a message inside to meet at a specific location and see if the other is ever opened. Admittedly, it could also be an Amdapori training device used to enchant one simple, specific trait into an object as a prelude to learning how to enchant golems. A scholar of Fifth Era arcanima might be able to discern more from studying the geometric patterns.

Aetheric Aura: The box has only a slight unaspected aura to it, though this aura will flare briefly when the box is opened.

The book has a stiff cover that is made of expertly-tooled leather embossed with golden scrollwork with flowers on the lower corners of the cover. Each corner has a three-dimensional representation of a bright red prism, the same design found on a book lock that has a newer key that was made by a locksmith in Limsa Lominsa. Patterns on the cover’s center are suggestive of a Hingan representation of a tiger with a crown set with the same style of prism. The title of the book is called ‘The Deceiver’s Tale.’ Curiously, it is written in whatever language is most known by the reader.

This book is cursed. The reader is offered a magically created story that is different each time, but always very entertaining. After reading but a single word in the book, the character is cursed and can only tell lies for the next 24 hours. People have been known to make outrageous lies to questions.

History: Discarnate obtained the item from Lady Jalia Vordt and Master Hungrende Afgrunden, the latter of whom claimed a previous reader read from the book, went to a tavern, became inebriated, and told patrons that he was the Goddess Halone’s husband, fabricating an hour’s worth of dialogue to support his assertion. Lady Kano’s research indicates the book is known in scholarly circles for its notorious curse. Lady Kano speculates that the lies told might be a result of magical impressions left upon one’s mind from the last story they read. Unfortunately, the story is forgotten once the reader is freed of the curse, leaving no way to prove this theory.

Aetheric Aura: The book has a significantly strong unaspected aetheric aura that seems to swirl chaotically.

Sold — 200,000

Sold — 47,000,000

This staff is made of an ages-old worn wood of a whitish color, perhaps birch. A spiraling wooden coil holds a ghostly green crystal that flickers with blackish motes within.

The staff can extinguish all light sources in a room at least a hundred square fulms in size when held aloft. Moreover, the extinguished lights then begin to ‘shine’ with darkness of their own. For example, looking into a room lit by sunlight would reveal each light source within shining with black lights. It expires after an undetermined, seemingly random number of hours or if the staff is moved from the area.

History: This item was also bought from Lady Jalia Vordt and Master Hungrende Afgrunden, the latter of whom claims it is of Hingan design, and the name of the staff translated into the common tongue is ‘Staff of No Light,’ or ‘Staff of Unlight.’ The name of the staff, in Hingan, is engraved on its shaft near the
top, and the birch is of a species native to the Koshu, the largest of the Hingan Isles. It is believed to have enchantments similar to conjury, perhaps passed from kami to a druidic mage.

Aetheric Aura: The staff has strong astral attunement and is aspected with earth and wind.

Previously Auctioned

December 3, 2020

Sold — 26,000

This vial is shaped in a rigid, crystal-like form not unlike a gem, with iron chains draped over its breadth, a brass stopper screwed into an iron setting. The liquid within seems afire as it licks the sides of the glass, dark red vapors always wafting within, the contents never settling into more than a spill of brightly orange liquid at the bottom. The glass is not hot to the touch despite its fiery appearance within.

What the contents of the vial do is a mystery, though its maker is known to leave subtle clues like a puzzle.

History: Arkisa is a viera who combined a totemic alchemy that she learned in her homeland with the more classically taught techniques found in Radz-at-Han. Her peers considered her work to be brilliant and without equal, but she was expelled from the guild in Radz-at-Han for her darkly whimsical nature revealed in her experiments and the anti-Garlean rhetoric she publicized at every opportunity. There are whispers that her works threatened to trivialize classic alchemy with their efficacy, and that the other charges were used as an excuse to dismiss her.

She was believed to be captured a year ago by the Empire outside of the ruins of Rabanastre, but her works can still be found in collections and curio shoppes. Indeed, her martyrdom in being apprehended by the Empire has only made her works more infamous.

Each of her spell jars has a distinctive flair from the container itself to the contents. She leaves clues in the appearance and materials of her works about the nature of the enchantment bequeathed upon the imbiber. The results are beyond equal in their effectiveness such as permanently gaining the abilities to breathe underwater or use perfect night vision; however, they often have some side effect as an outlet for her twisted nature such as an insatiable addiction to milkweed or somnus, or one’s eyes turning completely black. One spell jar was even rumored to bequeath an unbearable fiery pain anytime the imbiber was submerged in water. Her greatest documented work (thus far) seemed to remove years of age from the imbiber, returning the vitality of youth.

This vial is shaped in a precise hexagon with a silver base, copper demon-like claws wrapping about the top of the vial in a possessive manner, and a bone stopper shaped like a skull. The liquid within seems to perpetually bubble, glowing with an unearthly green hue so bright, it could be used in place of a torch.

What the contents of the vial do is a mystery, though its maker is known to leave subtle clues like a puzzle.

History: Same as previous item.

Sold — 400,691

Sold — 55,000,000

This sealed vase is made of charcoal-colored glass yet seems unbreakable. Inside, a smoky mist perpetually swirls. Most disturbing is the presence of a shadow within, most evident when it desperately presses a shapeless appendage against the glass, often believed to be a hand, but sometimes viewers swear they see an imploring visage made of shadow. On occasion, this fleeting appendage will franticly write upon the inside surface, the indecipherable runes disappearing moments after each character is written. No one has translated what language they derive from, let alone what the message says.

The vase is unbreakable, the smoky mist always swirling within.

History: The vase’s origins are unknown. It was a favorite in the collection of Amaya Shiraishi, a captain of a vessel within the Confederation of the Ruby Sea. It was believed lost when her ship was sunk by a privateer hired by a Hingan daimyo, but surprisingly, it washed up on shore and was found by a Hingan farmer who sold it to a shopkeeper in Kugane. This is where Discarnate found it, knowing of its history as being the former pride of the late Captain Amaya’s treasures.

Previously Auctioned

November 19, 2020

Sold — 9,000

This book looks newly written with a vibrant green cover derived from the hide of an exotic beast, the cover embossed in gold scrollwork in the shape of vines and leaves. A large green oak leaf is embossed in the center. The pages are each made of the finest vellum, the writing inside composed of a fine, tidy hand with examples of runic symbols made from glittering gem dust.

The book contains notes, incantations, and rituals related to arcanima-related runes and geometry focusing on nature and animals such as means of tracking specific creatures if within range, communicating with animals, charming them into service, and empowering them with enhanced strength or other magical benefits.

History: Aevar was believed to be a scholar of Amdapor who was obsessed with the ancient summoners of Allag. Believing that drawing upon the power of primals was dangerous, he instead consorted with elementals of what would later be northern Eorzea, per his notes, learning the secrets of communicating with and bolstering animal and beast. The book was sold to Discarnate’s leader by a Doman merchant two years ago in Kugane.

This shield is lightweight for a metal shield, plated in an aged, peeling platinum sheet and enameled in varnished gold-steel alloy bordering gold, as well as a prominent sunburst in the center. Two decorative bands of blackened steel come to a ‘v’ at the bottom. There are small dents and dings across the entirety of the shield. It would be quite large for a lalafel, of average size for an au ra or miqo’te, and small for a highlander. On the inside of the shield toward the bottom is inscribed the following name in an ancient dunesfolk alphabet: ‘Amomo.’ A skilled armorsmith could revitalize the shield.

This shield enhances healing spells cast while the shield is held, empowering the spells by approximately 33%.

History: The shield presumably belonged to a lalafel named Amomo, likely from Belah'dia. Based on the shield’s magical properties, it could be a link to a fighting order similar to the Sultansworn but created long before modern-day Ul’dah. The shield was in an art exhibit belonging to House Dzemael in Ishgard where it was kept in its unrepaired condition as a sign of its authenticity. It came to Discarnate when it was smuggled out by a runaway servant and sold in La Noscea.

Sold — 25,000

Sold — 6,000,000

The vase is made of obsidian that resembles a half-melted candle, with a sculpt that resembles waxen tears immortalized as black crystal. It stands slightly taller than one fulm.

The vase can display phantasmic flowers that are unique each time the vase is touched with both hands for a minute, based on the aetheric aura and emotions of the person touching the vase. The flower, or sometimes multiple flowers, seem to grow and blossom in a brilliant cascade of haunting colors for the minute that the vase is touched. They remain until the vase is touched again. Curiously, they extinguish if the vase is exposed to bright light.

History: The vase’s origins are unknown. It was given to Discarnate’s leader twenty years ago by the youngest daughter of the Onishi family from northern Hingashi who sought instruction in magic. She claimed to be inspired to learn magic because of the beauty that could be conjured by the vase.

Previously Auctioned

November 5, 2020

Sold — 250,000

The ring doesn’t turn the wearer invisible, but rather it is, itself, invisible. Flour or some other form of fine powder can be used to see this object, or it can be dipped in something sticky and pulled out to display.

The shape of the object is that of a simple, smooth band for an average male finger size, perhaps a third of an ilm wide.

History: The ring was used by a courier working for the Confederates of the Ruby Sea to pass along messages alerting them to plump ships on which to prey. The messages were written on tiny pieces of paper that were rolled up and obscured by the ring. The courier fled the Confederates and sold the ring in Kugane when her relations soured with their employing organization.

This item consists of a book and a pendant that are both bound in copper set with massive macrocrystalline quartz. The pendant is a key to the book lock, being inserted and turned to open it. While locked, the book is shielded from dampness and fire and cannot be opened, as if warded with an invisible arcane shield.

The book and pendant bear matching brass circles each set with massive macrocrystalline quartz. The book is bound with a strange black leather of an unknown origin but smells of brimstone. Each corner is bound in copper that is frigidly cold to the touch. The medallion is also made of copper and is currently hanging from a black leather cord. The medallion is fitted into grooves within the circle on the book cover and turned, matching their aetheric signatures and locking or unlocking an arcane shield around the book. The pages inside are not the originals, with the leather binding being used to rebind pages with brief, frivolous notes on alchemy from a native of Radz-at-Han.

History: The book was bought by a young noble from the Sasani family from an undisclosed seller. He began to use it as a formula book for his initial delvings into alchemy but was killed by a poisoned frog the size of a lalafel’s hand. The book was perfectly preserved for weeks until a recovery party found it. His family sold it to Discarnate.

Sold — 275,000

Sold — 550,000

This curious item resembles the hilt of a shortsword in the form of a rose stem with the budding rose at the top. It can be activated into a razor-sharp enchanted whip or the petals themselves can fold inward to reveal a sharpened tip. What was, at first glance, a simple plucked rose, is that of a curious weapon for those who prefer unassuming qualities in their arsenal.

Taking on the appearance of a deep-green, stemmed rose, shorter than that of a sword-hilt and made of a smooth, hardened material, this curious object would cause one to pause at first glance, garnering inquiries of its floral aesthetic. When maintaining a firm grip of the end of the rose, if one were to lash forward, its true form will reveal itself, as a long, slender, pliable coil expands along with jutting, sharpened thorns made of eikon mythrite protruding outward. The rose-like petals will fold inward, revealing its pointed edge to be made of star-ruby; such a sharpened tip would easily pierce armored plating through demonstration. Upon tightening one’s grip, a gifted practitioner of enchanted runes will notice the faint indentation of an extension inscription along its zelkova-made end.

History: The whip was provided by a new patron of Discarnate who obtained it from a sarcophagus in Dravania. It was reportedly wielded by an Ishgardian named Leirqacen Jandia, the “Flame Spinner,” against dragons. She was felled fighting wyverns, and the whip was interred with her for ages.

Previously Auctioned

October 22, 2020

Sold — 6,000 gil

This quill, rumored to be from a chimera, is gray-black in color but of a notable size, perhaps eight ilms in length. The stem, except for the point, is bound in purest silver set with arcane runes from an ancient language. The quill shimmers in the slightest light despite its dark coloring.

The quill has a moderate elemental attunement to wind and stone. It was purchased from a Sharlayan scholar at Revenant's Toll who needed funding for an expedition to the Crystal Tower.

A silver-lidded eye set in a mythril ring. When held up to one's own eye to peer into it, the lid opens to reveal an endless eye of stars, the shape and color of the eye changes to match that of viewer before it displays, in perfect detail, a memory which the bearer wishes to recall.

The ring must absorb the aether of the stars every evening to recharge for the next use.

Sold — 15,000 gil

Sold — 25,000 gil

A brilliant diamond of breathtaking size lays atop ice inside a glass box. The ice is cool to the touch but melts to water when removed from the box, reforming to ice when placed back in. The diamond itself is the size of a grape but turns into a useless, brown pebble when removed from the box, returning to a diamond when replaced.

The box emits an ice-attuned aetheric aura of notable strength. It last belonged to a Garlean collector who lived in Dalmasca but was killed, his estate looted in a local revolt in Leá Monde.

Previously Auctioned

October 8, 2020

The first item is a bronze ring cast with a flattened band etched in precise geometric designs, the gallery of the ring rising in six, equidistant prongs seating a sapphire cut in exact angles and gleaming in the slightest light. The ring is clad in aetheric enchantments to those able to discern such things.

The ring strengthens magical shielding conjured by the wearer by approximately 25%.

Sold — 6,000 gil

The item is an ivory comb, aged yellow over long years, its handle sheathed in brilliant silver and wrapped in dark, worn leather strips. A small gem, perhaps a cat’s eye, is set into the bottom of the handle.

This item changes the hue of one’s hair to a random color when run through their hair from scalp to hair’s end, affecting every hair on their head as well as facial hair until sunrise.

Sold — 14,000 gil